  • 工業設計類--評審特別獎

  • 海草復育生態塔

  • 作品說明

    全球暖化的情形每況愈下,碳排放量始終超過地球負荷的能力,然而海草有強大的固碳效率,其吸收二氧化碳的速度約為熱帶雨林的35倍,是地球重要的「藍碳」之一。此外,海草床的生物棲息數量,比沒有海草的地方多了40倍,如同陸地上的樹木,保護環境、養育生命,具重要的生態價值。 然而近年來,全球海草床覆蓋率正以每7%的速率逐年減少,許多海洋生物失去生存的環境。聯合國環境規劃署在 2021 年調查發現,全球海草床消失的速度加快,每30分鐘就會消失一個足球場的面積。未來,若少了海洋與海草的幫助,大氣中二氧化碳濃度將比現在高出50%,使全球氣候環境愈加嚴峻。 “海草復育生態塔 OF” 是將陸上種植樹木的概念轉入海中,並使用環保材質所設計出的人工塔,提供海洋生物健康生長的環境、創造屬於海草的亞特蘭堤斯。透過海洋植栽皿的形式來復育海草,並善用海草吸碳的特點作為改善地球暖化的吸碳神器,為惡劣的氣候變遷帶來轉機。 Global warming is getting worse and worse, and carbon emissions are always exceeding the bearing capacity of Earth. However the seagrasses have strong carbon fixation, it captures carbon up to 35 times faster than tropical rainforests and it is one of the important blue carbon in the earth. The seagrasses are not only good for the ecosystem but also brilliant for mitigating climate change. In recent years, Almost 7% global seagrass ecosystem has been decreased per year, and many marine life have lost their living environment. Seagrass, the functional marine ecosystems plants support marine food webs and provide essential habitat for many life. The seagrass meadows lost will have serious problems for marine life, it is important to take immediate action to restore seagrass meadow. “OF” is designed to improve this situation, by transforming the idea of planting trees on the ground to the ocean, we want to create the world underwater as same as Atlantis which belongs to seagrass and marine life.

  • 隊伍名稱


  • 指導老師


  • 學校名稱


  • 創作團隊
