視線死角Bye Bye!機車後照鏡偵測預警系統
  • 軟體應用類——金獎

  • 視線死角Bye Bye!機車後照鏡偵測預警系統

  • 作品說明

    將Raspberry Pi安裝在機車車體上,並以連接線方式安裝鏡頭於左右後照鏡外側,以可調整式支架裝設鏡頭,使鏡頭拍攝區域與視線死角區域一致。將Raspberry Pi獲得的影像數據,以vehicle detection的技術判斷車輛及速度,並由裝設在主板上的LED設備或聲音播放設備提醒騎士視線死角區域中有無車輛具有超車意圖或危險。 We connected a Raspberry Pi on the rear mirror of the motorcycle frame. With the aid of an adjustable mount, the detection area is further optimized to fully compensate for the blind spots. The image data is then processed through vehicle detection models to determine the vehicle type and its closing velocity. Once an approaching car is recognized as a threat, speakers and LED will be enabled on the mainboard to alert the rider.

  • 隊伍名稱


  • 指導老師


  • 學校名稱


  • 創作團隊
