  • 軟體應用類——優選

  • 複合式飛行電控單元之加密資料遠端傳輸與儲存系統

  • 作品說明

    當飛機在開發初期或是在測試階段中,從降落地面到進入機棚後,需用特殊有線纜線連接至專用電腦來完成飛行資訊的下載與擷取。在此過程中,需下載電控單元在飛行過程中所收集的感測或測試資料,其不僅需繁瑣的連接程序,且傳輸資料需加以保密。同時,也要滿足多種電控單元的資料儲存與分析。因此,為了加快飛機初期測試或保養維修的目的,一套複合式飛機電控單元之加密資料遠端傳輸與儲存系統,就有其研製與開發的需要。 本作品可收集布建於不同飛機位置的FDAU,SDAU,MDAU或是CSMU等電控單元的感測資料或控制命令,並透過飛機專用的ARINC 429與MIL-STD-1553B匯流排通訊傳輸至(A)環境控制系統紀錄器上,再藉由(B)加密資料交換閘道器將重要的飛航資訊以AES256加密。最後。最後,將加密的資料藉由WiFi傳輸至(C)地面支援裝備,進行飛機飛航期間所有重要資訊的儲存與分析。 此外,本作品具備多種飛機電控單元的複合式切換使用功能、達到一機多用與無線傳輸的創新設計,其不僅可大幅減少飛機維修的工作時程,且可精準掌握飛機內不同機身位置的狀態,進而提升飛行員訓練的安全性,並加速國機國造的製造與精進後勤維修的效率。 While the airplane was in the primary exploitation or the test phrase, requiring to use the dedicated cables to connect the computer to get the air movement data after landing. During the process, it demands to download the electronic control unit (ECU) to the sense data throughout the flight. It is not only a cumbersome procedure but also need to use the data encryption for a long time. In the meanwhile, it also needs to fit a variety of electronic control unit (ECU) retention analysis. Hence, it has the necessity of having a compound aircraft electronic control unit of encrypt data online terminal storage system in order to enhance the speed of aircraft’s primary exploitation and maintenance. The production could collect the electronic control unit sense data or the control demand of FDAU, SDAU, MDAU and CSMU through the ARINC 429 and MIL-STD-1553B bus transmission to the “A” environmental control system. Then, use the encrypt data gateway to encrypt the air movement data by using AES256. The cipher text would transport to the ground support equipment “C” to store and analysis the airplane’s vital information during the flight time. Moreover, the system was equipped with a variety of functions such as compound shifting electronic control unit (ECU), it could be an innovational design to attain the multitask with ratio transmission technology. And about the time of having aircraft maintenance has led to significant fall in case of having an accurate fuselage positioning. Consequently, it is not only to improve the security for pilot training, but also to catch up the goal of indigenous jets made by domestic aerospace industry and enhance the maintenance efficiency.

  • 隊伍名稱


  • 指導老師


  • 學校名稱


  • 創作團隊

    陳凱駿、高士弘 、于建棋、吳承育 、張芷瑜