  • 軟體應用類——佳作

  • 智慧跌倒警示系統

  • 作品說明

    「智慧跌倒警示系統」為一款兼顧安全及隱私的跌倒警示裝置,透過物聯網、深度學習等技術,打造智慧居家的環境;當偵測到有跌倒震動發生時,「智慧跌倒警示系統」會透過APP通知預先設定的聯絡人,讓相關人員能夠第一時間得知,避免延後就醫的情況發生。此外,與市面上既有的穿戴式警示裝置不同,「智慧跌倒警示系統」的偵測對象為放置空間裡所有的使用者,除了時刻注意行動不便者的狀況,也能在其他成員有突發狀況時及時處理,避免錯過黃金救援時間。 Smart Real-Time Fall Detection System is an alarm system that provides safety, privacy, and achieving the concept of the smart home. To let people know that accident has occurred in the first place, the system will notify people who have been set as the contact person in the APP while detecting the vibration of falling down. Furthermore, the detection target of our Smart Real-Time Fall Detection System is not just one specific person but all people stay in that place while the wearable on the market can only work for the one. Besides looking after people who have physical challenged for a long time, the system can keep the users who are in emergencies from missing the golden window.

  • 隊伍名稱

    CFH Lab

  • 指導老師

  • 學校名稱

  • 創作團隊