蝦款 – 網拍智慧訂價小幫手
  • 軟體應用類——優選

  • 蝦款 – 網拍智慧訂價小幫手

  • 作品說明

    本系統彙整蝦皮購物的資料,提供網拍商品的最新輿情。系統透過相關數據演算,推估各商品的最具競爭力定價,讓賣家可以獲得利潤最大化;再者,使用演算法計算各商品間關聯性,推薦商品搭配之最佳銷售組合;此外,以圖形視覺化呈現各類別數據資訊,讓電商平台經營者能利用數據分析,及時調整經營策略,優化賣場。 This system gathers the information of Shopee and provides the latest public opinion of online auction products. The system uses data algorithm to estimate the competitive pricing of each products so that sellers can maximize their profits. In addition, use Apriori algorithm to calculate the relevance between each products and recommend the best sales combination for product matching. And various types of data and information are visualized with graphics so that e-commerce platform operators can use data analysis to timely adjust business strategies and optimize stores.

  • 隊伍名稱


  • 指導老師


  • 學校名稱


  • 創作團隊
