  • 軟體應用類——佳作

  • 停車霸王

  • 作品說明

    本企劃的主題為「停車霸王」,在全球疫情趨緩之後,預估將爆發大批的旅遊潮,而將會有大量的民眾是自行駕車去遊玩,我們希望能夠透過本提案,藉由架設智慧監控 IoT 裝置,以拍照方式記錄路邊停車格使用狀況,整合智慧裝置回傳圖像至資料庫。主機端再將圖片資料藉由人工智慧深度學習之物件偵測技術,辨識不同路段停車格使用狀況及計算可用停車格數,並引入管理科學數學模型達到停車格位置與駕駛人之距離及時間最佳化,再與智慧停車 App 結合,使駕駛人能夠即時獲得正確的停車格資訊,尋找停車位更加快速且便利。 The name of this project is "ParKing". After the epidemic has been ebbing, it is estimated that there will be a large number of tourists and many people will travel by car. We hope that we can set up intelligent monitoring IoT devices to record the usage of on-street parking spaces by taking pictures and return images to the database through smart devices. The host will identify the status of parking spaces on different road sides and also calculate the number of available parking spaces, through the object detection techniques of artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, we also implement that the drivers can get the recommend of optimum distance to an available parking space by using a management scientific mathematical model. Finally, the system combines with Smart Parking App which enables drivers to obtain the correct parking grid information in real time and find parking spaces more quickly and conveniently.

  • 隊伍名稱


  • 指導老師

  • 學校名稱

  • 創作團隊